Our eLearning suite delivers an engaging wellbeing program to students, teaching them about social violence. These five powerful lessons are truly transformative—empowering students to make wise decisions.
Informed by feedback from teachers and aligned to the Victorian curriculum for Respectful Relationships, this eLearning course is a purpose-designed school resource that directly supports wellbeing and personal development curriculum delivery in secondary schools.

Help your school drive positive behavioural change
Violence is a community problem that needs a community solution.
Help your student community look out for each other
It’s not just an issue for boys, or men, or girls, or women. We all have a role to play.
Help students learn the life skill of conflict resolution
Teach them respect, risk awareness, and emotional control when they need it most.
Help your teachers manage behavioural issues
It takes a village to raise a child. Let’s give teachers all the support they need.
Wise Words from Principal of Whitefriars College, Mark Murphy
The power of this course lies in the authenticity of the story. The fact is that Pat was caught up in an awful moment that could happen to anyone. While this eLearning course highlights Pat’s story, it also uses positive messages to encourage students to think about how they can navigate potentially challenging environments.”
What’s included?
Preview the five eLessons for Violence Prevention
Lesson #1
Consequences of Violence
Help your students realise the impact of violence on a victim, the perpetrator, friends and family.
Lesson #2
End The Coward Punch
Empower your students to stop the one act of violence that is responsible for too many deaths, irreversible injury and disability.
Lesson #3
Managing Anger
Challenge your students to reflect on what makes them angry, and how to manage emotions and reactions that could become aggressive.
Lesson #4
Risk Awareness and Avoidance
Arm your students with tools to assess situational risks and make wise decisions.
Lesson #5
Responding to Social Violence
Help your students recognise and react to violence they may be faced with in social settings.
Key information for schools
Lesson length | Lessons vary, averaging 20–30 minutes |
Year level suitability | Designed for Years 7–12 |
Flexible usage | Use for an unlimited number of students, across all year levels, for 12 months from the date of purchase |
Can be embedded in schools’ Wellbeing curriculum delivery | Covers key personal and social capability topics. See Victorian Curriculum links here, and the Australian Curriculum links here. |
Support your teachers with a comprehensive resource

Teachers need resources to facilitate the best possible wellbeing curriculum so they can build students’ social and personal capabilities.
- Open students’ eyes to the impact of anger, aggression and violence
- Introduce effective conflict management strategies
- Set positive behavioural expectations
- Start conversations that will genuinely make a difference
- Foster safe environments for the school community
It felt so unreal and yet it is happening all over Australia. I’ve never thought that a person’s life could be over with a single action as simple as a single punch.”
Year 9 Student
eLearning Delivery
Engaging and compatible format
- Animated lesson slides, real-world videos, and interactive engagement
- Lessons progressively build students’ knowledge and understanding
- Each lesson re-visits key messages to consolidate and reinforce learning
- Content generates invaluable classroom discussion, reflection and action
Developed for the classroom
- Fits into standard teaching periods with ample discussion time afterwards
- Accessible at any time, allowing for in-class or at-home completion
- Teachers can monitor and report on participation and engagement
- Best done on individual devices with headphones, so students can independently complete the self-assessment and reflection slides
- Option to also run as a whole class lesson
Your questions answered
What are the access limitations?
Your school will have unlimited access to the Be Wise eLearning course for 12 months from purchase date, for an unlimited number of students across all students on a single campus.
How long is each lesson?
The eLessons generally take students 20 - 30 minutes to work through independently. This leaves time for teachers to create opportunities for group or class discussion. We’ve found that break-through moments occur when students can come together to de-brief, reflect and agree on actions they can take.
Option to run as a whole class lesson.
When should each lesson be delivered?
The eLessons are completely flexible, to suit your schools’ delivery preferences.
How do teachers and students access the lessons?
The teacher who subscribes will receive unique login details. The lessons are held on an external secure server, so schools do not need to download or house the lessons.
Teachers assign students to 'Groups' and students are automatically sent an email with login details.
What do we do before starting the course?
Some key considerations are:
- Inform all teachers that interact with the student cohort, so that all teachers are prepared for students’ reactions or new conversations
- Remind students how to access their school counselling service
Are the lessons aligned to the curriculum?
The Pat Cronin Foundation Education Program is designed to link to the respectful relationships curriculum and integrate into the capabilities curriculum.
Our program also connects with the positive behaviour support framework.
Is it possible to track student participation?
Teachers will be able to monitor aspects of participation. Teachers will know when students have completed the lessons.
Students’ personal self-assessments and self-reflections within the interactive lesson slides are not recorded or tracked, so students can comfortably and privately interact with the lessons.
How can I share this course with school leadership?
School leaders and budgetary decision makers benefit greatly from watching this video of Mark Murphy, Principal of Whitefriars College in Donvale, Victoria.
Simply copy and paste this link into an email to share the video: [sharable link]
Watch video now
Is it required for our school to participate in a Be Wise Presentation if we purchase the eLearning?
When you purchase the eLearning, you are not required to book a Be Wise Presentation. However, we strongly recommend your school to book a Be Wise presentation in conjunction with the eLearning, as it is an excellent way for your students to learn from one of our knowledgeable presenters. Click here for more information on booking a Be Wise presentation.
Should we hold our Be Wise presentation before or after the students have completed the eLearning course?
The Be Wise presentation can take place at any time during the eLearning implementation process. We believe that viewing a Be Wise presentation before students begin the eLearning is beneficial because it provides an excellent introduction to the Be Wise message.