Hurry to sign on for our Be Wise Walk

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Family in park training for the Be Wise Walk, looking to camera
The Groves Family training for the Pat Cronin Foundation Be Wise Walk

It’s time to strap on the joggers and start pounding the pavements in practice for next month’s Be Wise – one of our major fundraisers for the year!

With uncertainty surrounding COVID restrictions ruling out our usual annual walk from Heidelberg to Montmorency this year, supporters are instead getting behind a variety of “virtual events” throughout the world.

Hundreds of people are expected to take to the streets and parks across Victoria and beyond between November 15 and 21 in support of the Foundation. Registration is $40 for anyone aged over 12, and $20 for children under 12.

Melbourne’s Luke and Sam Groves – and children Jordan, Xavier and Betty – will be among those taking part and right now are putting in several training several sessions a week.  

“As a coach at Pat’s junior football club (Research), I had originally intended to enter a team of under 12 boys into the regular Be Wise Walk,” said Luke.

“While that’s not possible this year we will still be walking with as many people as allowed under COVID restrictions in our own event.”

Combined 16,000 kilometre target for walks

With more than 700 people taking part in last year’s fundraiser, the Foundation is hoping for another top turnout and that all walks combined will cover at least 16,362 kilometres.

That figure is significant as it represents the distance from Melbourne to Imperia in Italy, where Pat spent some time in Year 11.

Already this year we’ve received registrations from people in England and Singapore, as well as Melbourne and interstate.

Boys lacing up shoes at park bridge, getting ready for the Be Wise Walk and looking to camera
Jordan and Xavier Groves getting ready for the Be Wise Walk

Anti-violence message resonates with families

As a father of three young children, Luke believes our mission to empower young people to never engage in social violence is especially important.

“It’s a message that makes the work of the Pat Cronin Foundation so valuable, and it’s certainly something I try to instil in my own kids and the kids I work with in the community,” he said.

“I think there has definitely been a shift for the better in the way young people view violence and bullying and so on.”

Luke has been friends with the Cronin family for many years and knew Pat and his brother Lucas through football.

“There’s not a kid in the Diamond Valley who wouldn’t know who Pat Cronin is,” he said. “And I believe the majority of them could probably tell you about the story in depth.

“At the time, the incident rocked this community – there is always a tendency to think those sorts of things happen to someone somewhere else. It certainly challenges your assumptions when it’s so close to home. 

“I would encourage everyone to get involved in the cause in some way. Taking part in this walk is one of those ways.”

Be wise walk 2021 tshirt by the pat cronin foundation

Get an event T-shirt when you register

Registration is easy and is now open.

Sign up here before October 31 to be guaranteed an event T-shirt (postage included) and let us know how many kilometres you intend to walk this year.

We’d like to thank our walk partners Barry Plant Real Estate and Le Pine Funerals for again helping us with this year’s activities.

Every dollar we raise will help us to educate more young Australians with Be Wise strategies to make our world a better place.

The Pat Cronin Foundation is dedicated to empowering young people never to use violence, to be wise, think carefully and act kindly. For more tips, book one of our informative educational sessions specially designed for schools, sports clubs and community organisations. Register here or contact us.

When you’re ready, there are 3 ways we can help you…

Join the 2000 teachers who have already been equipped with the tools for helping students manage anger and conflict.

Be Wise Presentations: Led by expert presenters, our Be Wise Presentations will engage young people and empower them to make positive changes as we explore the impacts of conflict and violence.

Be Wise Violence Prevention eLearning for High Schools: explores risks, choices and consequences, using real stories and personal reflection on how to manage anger and navigate social conflict.

Be Wise Story Book Lesson Plans for Primary Schools: engaging storybooks and teacher-led lesson plans to help foster safety and respect in the playground.

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