Primary Schools
Help your primary students develop social and emotional skills that support wellbeing
Our Primary Schools Program combines our renowned Be Wise Presentation in an age-appropriate format for primary students PLUS our popular Act Kindly Activity Kit, which is aligned to the Respectful Relationships Curriculum.
During our circle time and Respectful Relationships lessons, students reflect on what they have learnt. A valuable learning tool to reduce physical incidents in the school yard.
Louise O’Donnell, Teacher
Brighton Primary, Victoria

Through the power of storytelling, help primary school students make wise choices.
Choose what’s best for your primary school…
Act Kindly Activity Kit and Primary Presentation
Foundation to Grade 6
Receive both the Act Kindly Activity Kit and Primary Presentation
Act Kindly Activity Kit
Foundation to Grade 6
Ready-to-use classroom resources. Includes curriculum-aligned lesson plans and activities based on three purpose-written storybooks.
Primary Presentation
Grades 5 and 6
An age-appropriate presentation based on our renowned Be Wise Presentation, led by our experienced team
Learn moreAct Kindly Activity Kit and Presentation
Receive both the Primary Presentation and the Act Kindly Activity Kit.
Presentation suitable for Grade 5 and 6 students
Presented by our experienced team
In-person for VIC-metro schools (elsewhere online)
Age-appropriate strategies to defuse conflict
Act Kindly Activity kit suitable for the whole school.
In our thought-provoking presentation, Grade 5 and 6 students will hear real and relatable stories about social violence, exploring:
- Anger and aggression.
- Choices and consequences.
- Strategies to defuse conflict.
We share Pat’s story to illustrate the worst possible outcome of social violence, and help students make wise choices.
Only $990 inc GST
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Act Kindly Activity Kit
Ready-to-use classroom resources. Includes curriculum-aligned lesson plans and activities based on three purpose-written storybooks.
Teachers will take their students on a reading journey through the storybooks, then engage students with activity-driven sessions using the appropriate lesson plan and resources for the students’ year level.
Three hard copies of each storybook
Classroom Lesson Plans
An ebook version of each storybook
Activity sheets, games and writing cards
Role-play scenarios
Digital badge and printable poster
Only $395 inc GST
Buy nowPrimary School Presentation
An interactive, age-appropriate presentation for grades 5 and 6, based on our renowned Be Wise Presentation, led by our experienced team.
The Primary School Presentation works together with the Act Kindly Activity Kit. For best practice, we recommend your Grade 5 and 6 students complete Lesson 1 of the Act Kindly Activity Kit prior to the presentation.
Please contact us to arrange a Presentation for your primary school.
Presentation suitable for Grade 5 and 6 students
Presented by our experienced team
In-person for VIC-metro schools (elsewhere online)
Age-appropriate strategies to defuse conflict
Follows lesson 1 of the Act Kindly Activity Kit
$850 inc GST ($595 inc GST if previously purchased Activity Kit).
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Teach life skills that matter
Contribute to the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of students.
Support emotional literacy—early
Help students develop the understanding and skills they need to make safe choices.
Embed into wellbeing curriculum
Focus on respectful relationships and how behaviour impacts others. Clearly mapped to the Victorian and Australian Curriculums.
Build a safe school for all
Support teachers to deal with and prevent unsafe playground behaviours.
“Easy to adapt into the curriculum”
Hear from Brighton Primary, one of the first schools to take advantage of the Act Kindly Activity Kit.
About the Storybooks
Teachers will take their students on a reading journey through the storybooks, then engage students with activity-driven sessions using the appropriate lesson plan and resources for the students’ year level.
Book 1: The New Playground
Plus grade 1–2 Lesson Plan and Activity-based Resources
Patch and his friends wriggled and chatted with excitement as they waited to see their new school playground. Ms Stanley reminded all her students how important it was to think carefully and act kindly towards each other no matter how excited they were. But Charlie forgot that important message as soon as he entered the playground.

Book 2: The Four Square Challenge
Plus grade 3–4 Lesson Plan and Activity-based Resources
Skye had a knot in her stomach as she headed out with Patch, Mei and Khaya for their final practice for the Four Square Time Challenge. She really wanted to win that afternoon’s final. But in one thoughtless moment, when nerves and frustration got the better of her, Skye made a big mistake that cost her a place in the afternoon challenge.
Book 3: Footy Fever
Plus grade 5–6 Lesson Plan and Activity-based Resources
The Aussie Rules under-13 players in the Rockets and Sharks teams were each huddled together before the match as their coaches reminded them to enjoy the game and be good sports at all times. During some closely contested passages of play, Barney forgot that he was part of a team. He let his desire to be a hero cloud his judgement. One thoughtless act changed the end of Barney’s season.

About the Lesson Plans and Activity-based Resources
A thoughtfully designed ready-to-use classroom program harnessing age-appropriate activities for teachers to use over one or multiple class periods.
Resources include activity sheets, games, writing cards and role-play scenarios to support the learning. You will also receive a digital accreditation badge to share on your website or newsletter and a printable poster to display in the classroom.
The materials build on the characters’ experiences in the books to encourage students to explore feelings and emotions.
Students will explore how they relate to positive and negative actions and will make connections to the consequences of these actions.
The stories are on point with the situations that arise in schools and the strategies used to resolve them.
Pauline Turnbull, Teacher
St. Joseph the Worker Primary School, Reservoir North
We are proud to help primary schools teach the Respectful Relationships curriculum and foster safe school environments.