Please help us reach as many young people as possible in 2023
Calling all secondary school teachers and students.
We’re working hard to ensure that our Be Wise presentations and violence-prevention programs have a positive and far-reaching impact on as many young people as possible in Australia in 2023.
And we’d love your help with two separate but equally important projects!
Students needed for a filming session
We’re recruiting all secondary school students – boys and girls – as part of a filming session to promote our signature “Violence is Never OK” presentation.
Be part of a “crowd shot” that will be used to create content for promoting our violence prevention education program.
Giving of your time on Tuesday, September 26 and being part of the audience will go a long way to help us change attitudes to violence and end the Coward Punch.
Participants will also receive a $50 gift card as a “thank you”.
WHAT: Filming of “Violence is Never OK” presentation
WHEN: 10am – 12:30pm, Tuesday 26 September
WHERE: Whitefriars College, 156-158 Park Rd, Donvale
WHO: Secondary school students – boys and girls
Teacher Focus Group (Event now closed):
We’re putting together a focus group to obtain valuable thoughts on our violence-prevention programs in schools.
If you’re a teacher, and you can offer an hour-and-a-half of your time in Eltham on Monday, September 18, then please get in touch.
Please note: You don’t need to be familiar with our educational material to take part.
The Foundation currently reaches around 70,000 students each year with face-to-face presentations and eLearning materials, instilling vital life skills. Due to overwhelming demand we’re expanding into every state and territory of Australia in 2023.
Barista coffee and lunch are on us, and a $75 gift voucher will be provided as a thank-you.
What: Teacher focus group
When: Monday, September 18, 11.30am-1pm
Where: Eltham Leisure Centre