We’re teaming up with YMCA Victoria to reduce violence on and off sports fields
We’re joining forces with YMCA Victoria in an exciting, landmark project to reduce violence on and off sporting fields – potentially reaching as many as 1.2 million players, fans and staff at Casey Stadium in the next 12 months.
The project is being supported by the City of Casey as part of the Victorian Government’s Empowering Communities initiative within the Building Safer Communities Program.
It’s an incredible boost for our messages around the long-term impacts of violence as well as strategies to avoid it.
In the clip above, you can listen to Foundation Director Matt Cronin speaking with ABC Radio Melbourne host Trevor Chappell in an open talkback segment about the tremendous potential of the Casey Stadium project; bravado in sport; what it means to be “tough”; how everyone has a role to play in solving social violence – as well as the importance of getting the Foundation’s message out to the community.
How it will work
As part of the collaboration, we’ll be conducting education presentations and workshops, addressing crowds on select game days, in addition to prominent messaging being displayed on the stadium’s big screens.
Stadium staff have already taken part in workshops to learn techniques to diffuse confrontation.
Right now we’re calling on all clubs connected with the stadium (as well as the wider community) to register for one of two empowering educational presentations on Saturday, September 16 and Saturday, November 25.
The project complements another groundbreaking PCF partnership beginning soon in the City of Casey, where we’ll be working directly with up to 25 schools and showcasing our newly developed Prep-Year 12 Be Wise Education Program.
The Be Wise – Preventing Social Violence project will involve around 7000 students receiving face-to-face presentations. We’ll also be helping schools implement our eLearning resources and activity-based lesson plans, which are now available throughout Australia. Keep up to date on this exciting initiative on Facebook and Instagram.
‘Honoured to be joining forces’

Casey Stadium Centre Manager Josh Sadler with Foundation presenter Alan Latu and Partnerships Manager Steve Layt.
YMCA’s Recreational Regional Executive Manager – South East Carly Sanders says the YMCA was honoured to be joining forces with PCF in a shared mission to prevent violence and promote healthy relationships in the City of Casey.
“This partnership will enable us to combine our resources to create impactful programs that address social violence in our community,” she said.
“The initiative embodies the core values of both organisations and underscores our commitment to making a lasting, positive change in thousands of lives.”
City of Casey Chair of Administrators Ms Noelene Duff PSM meanwhile says the City of Casey Council is pleased to support this initiative as part of its ongoing commitment to tackling valuable social causes.
The Foundation sees the partnership as a valuable opportunity to spread our message, which is particularly relevant in the rough and tumble of competitive sport where emotions are often running high – as well as outside of sport.
Calling all sports clubs

Casey Stadium
All sports clubs associated with the stadium are invited to register for one of the educational presentations on Saturday, September 16 and Saturday, November 25 where players will learn a variety of vital skills including how to manage anger before it turns into aggression.
We believe that reinforcing appropriate responses to anger and aggression in the sports is a crucial, grassroots step to changing wider community attitudes to violence.
Contact the stadium here to attend one of the presentations. Be Wise. Think Carefully. Act Kindly.