
Protecting young people from violence, together

Be Wise Pat Cronin Foundation

Tragedies like Pat’s story happen all too often

If it can happen to our family, it can happen to anyone

At the Pat Cronin Foundation we work together to end the senseless violence that devastates families and communities.

So no parent, or family, has to go through what we did when we lost Pat.

 – Robyn, Matt, Emma and Lucas Cronin

You can help to End the Coward Punch

We can’t achieve our vision to End the Coward Punch without doing it together. Here’s how you can help.

Donate to keep our presentations free

Your generous donations help us continue to offer our education, training and awareness to schools and clubs at no cost—so we can work together to End the Coward Punch.

Pat Cronin Foundation merchandise

Shop high quality books, clothing, stickers, wristbands and more while supporting the work of the Pat Cronin Foundation and spreading our message to Be Wise and End the Coward Punch.

Information, support and resources for parents

Talking to children about conflict, aggression and violence can be challenging. Our resources will help you start the conversation, and keep it going.

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