Monty South Primary School Walks for Pat

Montmorency South Primary School’s Grade 4 students all signed up for the Be Wise Walk to Anywhere.  Monty South PS said: “It’s the second week of our Be Wise Walk To Anywhere …

Montmorency South Primary School’s Grade 4 students all signed up for the Be Wise Walk to Anywhere. 

Monty South PS said:

“It’s the second week of our Be Wise Walk To Anywhere for the Pat Cronin Foundation. The Grade 4 students all signed up and will be walking every afternoon as a group to raise awareness about being wise, thinking carefully and acting kindly. Today we were fortunate to have Pat Cronin’s mum Robyn and aunty Mel join us on our walk.”  

A big thank you to the students, teachers and parents at Montmorency South Primary School for the support.

When you’re ready, there are 3 ways we can help you…

Join the 2000 teachers who have already been equipped with the tools for helping students manage anger and conflict.

Be Wise Presentations: Led by expert presenters, our Be Wise Presentations will engage young people and empower them to make positive changes as we explore the impacts of conflict and violence.

Be Wise Violence Prevention eLearning for High Schools: explores risks, choices and consequences, using real stories and personal reflection on how to manage anger and navigate social conflict.

Be Wise Story Book Lesson Plans for Primary Schools: engaging storybooks and teacher-led lesson plans to help foster safety and respect in the playground.

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