A big thank-you to all our wonderful supporters
2022 has been a landmark year for the Foundation.
We hope the video, above – which highlights the importance of our work – provides our incredible supporters, sponsors and partners with a sense of satisfaction.
Quite simply, we couldn’t have done it without you.
With your donations and assistance, we’ve:
- Delivered more than 520 Be Wise presentations
- Been welcomed into 314 schools and 76 clubs
- Reached over 73,000 young people
It’s been our biggest year ever – by far, which demonstrates that the demand for our programs has never been higher.
We’ve also empowered an estimated 2000 teachers throughout Victoria with the tools for helping students manage anger and conflict.
The recent release of our curriculum-aligned anti-violence learning program for primary schools means we’re now partnering with schools to deliver life-changing lessons for students from Prep right the way through to Year 12.
What’s next
In the coming months, we’ll be expanding further interstate – which represents an extremely important new era in the history of the Foundation.
Also – due to demand – we’re get ready to release a brand new Be Wise presentation for the start of the first school term. Designed as a follow-up session, the new presentation expands on vital strategies to use when faced with social violence.

We look forward to updating you on all the new developments in this space soon.
Once again, thanks for supporting us in 2022 – as well as special acknowledgement to our partners Barry Plant Real Estate Group, Le Pine Funerals and YVE.
2023 is going to be even better!
Keep up to date
To keep up to date with what else we’re doing, check out our Facebook page. To book a Be Wise presentation, click here or email us at info@patcroninfoundation.org.au