Welcome (full course launched)

Note: Once the lessons have launched, we remove the temporary welcome page and the teacher will see the actual lesson plans etc. This page gives them an outline of how to use the course.

How to use this lesson plan

Give a brief description of what’s included here and how to use the Story Book along with the related resources.

Step 1: Read The New Playground with your class

Note that the ebooks are available in the Materials tab above.

Step 2: Activities

Choose from the suggested activities to and invite children to talk about the book. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla id elementum nisi, id malesuada arcu. Cras gravida neque id pellentesque aliquam. In eu eros elit. 

  • Tip one
  • Tip two
  • Tip three

Step 3: Roleplay

Select from the Roleplay Options to help the children experience the themes of the story in their own way. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla id elementum nisi, id malesuada arcu. Cras gravida neque id pellentesque aliquam. In eu eros elit. 

Another useful thing

Nunc feugiat, dui sit amet dapibus bibendum, odio erat consectetur risus, eu posuere ante urna vel dolor. Sed consectetur ante tellus, ut convallis odio hendrerit eu.

Duis quis augue odio. Aliquam non mi tellus. Phasellus sed justo neque. Donec fermentum magna nec neque vestibulum porta. Vivamus interdum turpis in nibh interdum mollis. Nullam sollicitudin sit amet metus ac gravida.

Donec venenatis, enim vitae aliquam tempus, ex velit convallis dui, eu ultrices metus erat non urna. Morbi eu consequat diam, nec facilisis augue. Nullam semper semper elit eu tincidunt. Morbi non nibh et tellus ultricies lobortis.

If you need help…

Phasellus sed justo neque. Donec fermentum magna nec neque vestibulum porta. Vivamus interdum turpis in nibh interdum mollis.